What Happens If You Get in Trouble on a Cruise?

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  • Post last modified:February 27, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Cruises are great fun with lots of activities. But, what if something goes wrong? Read on to learn more!

Minor rules that get broken may not result in you going to the ship’s brig. Often, minor offenses will result in a person simply being remanded to their cabin with security outside to ensure they don’t leave. But when serious crimes occur, the captain may feel it necessary to put the person in the brig.

Understanding Cruise Ship Law

It’s important to know the rules. The ship’s captain is in charge. They follow maritime laws. When you’re at sea, the laws of the country the ship is registered in apply. In port, local laws rule.

Crime and Punishment at Sea

Stealing or fighting on a cruise is very bad. If you do something wrong, security will step in. The ship has cameras and guards to keep everyone safe. They will act if a law is broken.

Type of Trouble What Happens
Breaking rules A warning or meeting with captain
Theft Security investigates, items returned
Fighting Separated and possibly confined
Illegal items Confiscated and reported to police
Major crimes Detained and handed to police at next port

Minor Offenses on Board

Not all issues are big. Sometimes, it’s just small mistakes. You might get a warning or talk to ship staff. They’ll explain the rules again. Always listen and be polite. This makes things easier.

Medical Emergencies

What if someone gets sick? Ships have doctors and nurses. They can help with many health troubles, often right away.

Staying Safe and Following Rules

Cruise ships are like floating cities. They need rules too. Be sure to read the ship’s rules. It’s your guide to do’s and don’ts.

  • Listen to the crew: They’re there to help.
  • Keep your room safe: Lock up valuables.
  • Drink responsibly: Too much is not good.
  • Buddy system: Stay with a friend.
  • Know the emergency plan: Be prepared, just in case.

Dealing with Serious Problems

For big issues, like if a law is broken, it’s more complex. The ship’s security will handle it first. They keep order. After that, you might meet local police. They may decide what to do next. Remember, always act kindly and think before you act.

What Are Cruise Ship Detention Policies?

Cruise ships often have small onboard jails, or ‘brigs’, to detain unruly passengers temporarily until the ship reaches port, where proper authorities take over.

Can You Be Arrested On A Cruise?

Yes, you can be arrested on a cruise ship. The ship’s security has the authority to detain individuals violating the law or ship rules until law enforcement arrives at the next port.

What Legal Rights Do Passengers Have?

Passengers retain their legal rights based on the maritime laws of the vessel’s flag country and the laws of the ports the ship visits.

What Crimes Occur Most On Cruises?

Common crimes on cruises include theft, assault, and public intoxication, though occurrences are relatively low compared to land-based cities.


Cruises are full of fun times. But always keep rules in mind. You don’t want trouble on vacation. So, just relax, enjoy, and be good. And if something goes wrong, now you know what to expect!

Lyrienne Celestria

Lyrienne Celestria is a distinguished expert in adventure tourism and an ardent writer whose passion for storytelling has left an indelible mark on the realm of wanderlust. Renowned for her ability to transport readers into the heart of thrilling journeys and breathtaking landscapes, Lyrienne has emerged as a sought-after source of inspiration for adventure enthusiasts across the globe.

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