Insider Tips on How to Become a Cruise Ship Entertainer?

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  • Post last modified:March 1, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Look for auditions

Cruise lines often hold auditions in major cities or online. You can check their websites, social media, or industry forums for announcements. You can also reach out to entertainment agencies that work with cruise lines.

Apply directly

You can apply directly through a cruise line, which have links for musicians seeking work on their websites.

Use a recruitment agency

You can use a recruitment agency such as Warshaw Entertainment or Lime Entertainment.

Bring your talent to the open sea! Learn to entertain on a cruise ship!
Do you dream of performing for enthusiastic crowds? Do you love travelling? If ‘yes’, then a job as a cruise ship entertainer could be perfect for you. This dream job mixes passion and adventure. Discover how to make it happen!

Understanding the Role

How to Become a Cruise Ship Entertainer

What is a Cruise Ship Entertainer?

Cruise entertainers make journeys fun. They host shows and activities. Entertainers can be singers, dancers, magicians, or comedians.

  • Talent in arts
  • Good with people
  • Pro at handling stress
  • Ready to work odd hours

Honing Your Craft

Take classes. Practice a lot. Always strive to get better. Perform everywhere you can. Small shows help you learn. They make you better.

More skills make you stand out. Juggle? Do magic tricks? Show it!

Building a Portfolio

A showreel is your highlight reel. It shows off your skills. You need one! Get good headshots. Write a clear resume. It should list your skills.

Finding Opportunities

Many cruise lines offer jobs. You must find them.

Cruise Line Audition Info Positions Offered
Carnival Cruise Line Website portal Various entertainment roles
Royal Caribbean Live auditions & online submissions Singers, Dancers, Actors
Disney Cruise Line Online job listings Family-friendly entertainment

Visit their websites. Look for career sections. Apply for auditions.

Applying for Jobs

Rehearse your act. Choose pieces that show your best. Meet people in the industry. Contacts can lead to opportunities. On audition day, be on time. Dress well. Show you are serious.

Acing the Interview and Audition

Showtime! This is when you prove your talent. Be confident. Smile. Show them you’re perfect for the job. Send a thank-you note. It’s polite and makes you memorable.

Sealing the Deal

Understand your contract. Ask questions. Make sure you’re happy. Cruise lines train their staff. Pay attention. Safety first!

What Qualifications Do Cruise Entertainers Need?

Experience in performing arts and a dynamic stage presence are essential. Most cruise lines require an audition tape or live performance review.

How Can One Apply For Cruise Ship Entertainment Jobs?

Begin by researching specific cruise lines and visit their career pages for application instructions. Often, this involves submitting a CV, headshots, and performance reels.

What Types Of Entertainment Jobs Are Available On Cruises?

Cruise ships offer a variety of entertainment roles, including singers, dancers, comedians, magicians, and production show performers.

Are There Particular Skills That Enhance A Cruise Entertainer’s Career?

Versatility in various performance styles and the ability to engage with diverse audiences greatly benefit a cruise entertainer’s career progression.


Work hard. Be patient. Your dream job awaits!

Corvin Grag

Corvin Grag is a fervent and committed environmental engineer with a specialized focus on the dynamic cruise industry. Fueled by a profound love for both engineering principles and environmental stewardship, Corvin has strategically aligned his career with the cruise sector, aiming to harmonize his dual passions. His overarching objective is to play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable practices and environmental conservation within the cruise industry, ensuring that these maritime adventures continue to deliver unforgettable experiences while mitigating their ecological footprint.

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