Do Cruise Ships Have Bed Bugs? A Bug’s Life at Sea!

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  • Post last modified:February 4, 2024
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How do cruise ships keep bed bugs away

Do Cruise Ships Have Bed Bugs

Some ships will heat a room to 120 degrees to kill bed bugs off. Pack smart: Even if your cruise line looks safe, you can never be too prepared.

Bed bugs, the tiny insects that feed on human blood during the night, have become a major concern for travelers worldwide. From hotels to airplanes, these pests have been found in various places. One question that often comes up is: Do cruise ships have bed bugs?

In this article, we will explore the reality of bed bugs on cruise ships and provide you with some tips to protect yourself during your voyage.

The Likelihood of Bed Bugs on Cruise Ships

When it comes to bed bugs, the risk is present anywhere there are humans. Cruise ships are no exception to this rule. With thousands of passengers and crew members coming and going on each trip, the probability of bed bugs boarding the ship is not zero.

However, it’s essential to note that cruise lines take extensive measures to prevent, detect, and eliminate these pests.

Cruise Line Prevention and Maintenance

Cruise lines have implemented strict preventive protocols to minimize the chance of bed bug infestations.

These measures include:

Regular inspections

Cruise ship staff conduct routine inspections of cabins, public areas, and crew quarters to detect any signs of bed bugs.

Professional pest control

Cruise ships cooperate with pest control companies to have regular treatments and inspections against bed bugs.

Training and education

Crew members receive proper training to identify and report bed bug sightings immediately.

Guest education

Cruise lines inform passengers about bed bug prevention and how to report any potential bed bug issues.

What Can Passengers Do to Prevent Bed Bugs?

While cruise lines take significant precautions, passengers can also play a role in reducing the likelihood of encountering bed bugs.

Here are some preventative measures you can take:

Inspect your cabin

Upon boarding, carefully examine your cabin, paying attention to the bedding, mattress, headboards, and furniture. Look for any signs of tiny brownish-red stains, shed exoskeletons, or live bugs.

Store your luggage properly

Use metal luggage racks or place your suitcases in the bathroom until you complete your inspection.

Keep your belongings off the floor

Store your clothes, bags, and personal items on elevated surfaces rather than leaving them on the floor.

Wash your clothes

When returning home, wash your clothes in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any potential bed bugs you may have picked up during your trip.

Do Cruise Ships Have Bed Bugs

What to Do if You Find Bed Bugs?

If, despite all the precautions, you discover bed bugs in your cruise ship cabin, it is crucial to handle the
situation appropriately. Here are the steps you should take:

Notify the cruise staff

Immediately inform the cruise ship staff about the issue so that they can take the necessary actions to address the problem.

Ask for alternative accommodation

Request a different cabin away from the infested area.

Document the issue

Take pictures or videos of the bed bugs or the bites you may have sustained as evidence.

Report the incident

Once you are back home, notify the cruise line about your experience so they can investigate and take appropriate measures.

Are Bed Bugs Common On Cruise Ships?

Bed bugs can be found on cruise ships due to their ability to hitch a ride on luggage or clothing. However, their presence is relatively rare. Cruise ships have strict cleanliness protocols to prevent infestations.

How Do Cruise Ships Prevent Bed Bugs?

Cruise ships implement rigorous pest control measures, including regular inspections and maintenance. They often use heat treatments, vacuuming, and insecticides to prevent and eliminate bed bug infestations.

Can I Bring Bed Bugs On A Cruise Ship?

While it is possible to bring bed bugs on board a cruise ship, it is unlikely. Conducting thorough inspections of your luggage and clothing before embarking will help minimize the chances of bed bug infestation.

What Should I Do If I Find Bed Bugs In My Cabin?

If you discover bed bugs in your cabin, report it immediately to the ship’s staff. They will take prompt action to address the issue, such as relocating you to another cabin and implementing eradication procedures.


While it is possible for bed bugs to be present on cruise ships, the chances are relatively low due to the strict preventive measures that cruise lines have in place.

By inspecting your cabin, following preventative measures, and reporting any issues promptly, you can ensure an enjoyable and bed bug-free cruise experience.

Gryffin Tate

Gryffin Tate is a seasoned professional in the field of tourism and hospitality, dedicated to elevating the standard of service and crafting unforgettable experiences for travelers. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the industry, Gryffin's commitment to excellence has positioned him as a trusted authority in the realm of hospitality.

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